Punish the government; not the country, Solidarity Movement asks

The Solidarity Movement today appealed to the American government not to punish the country and its people for what the government is doing, and to rather aim their expected punitive measures at the government leaders themselves.

According to Flip Buys, chairperson of the Solidarity Movement, the latest disaster which the government has brought upon South Africa by supplying arms to Russia, will cost the country and its people dearly. The USA has already imposed strict sanctions against many countries that have not sided with them in the war in Ukraine.

The US ambassador was probably instructed by Pres. Biden to take a stand in public. It is highly likely that the recent South African delegation to the USA, led by Mr Sidney Mufamadi, failed to set minds at ease in Washington.

The government’s action is inexcusable as it comes at a time at which the country is already in deep trouble. Given this latest blunder the chances of a recession are almost guaranteed and the drop in the value of the rand increases the already high living costs all citizens are already facing.

Therefore, there is only one message the Solidarity Movement can send to the Americans and that is not to punish the country for what the government is doing. The US should rather aim their intended punitive measures at the government leaders in question.

This action by the ANC government is a diplomatic disaster. South Africa cannot afford to become involved in a conflict in which we have no interest and in one that is taking place thousands of kilometres from us. The government should act in the country’s interests and should not remain stuck in the forgotten Cold War era.

The government has now increased the chances for a 2023 recession and the ANC’s actions have weakened the value of the rand to such an extent that everyone’s cost of living is getting higher. The large-scale selling of SA based shares will harm all members of pension funds and the ANC should be held accountable for this. The government’s actions could also cost thousands of people their jobs because of a breach of the favourable trade agreement with the USA.

It is clear that the government is acting directly against national interests, and according to legal experts the government leaders in question have also transgressed laws by supplying weapons to a country involved in a war.

It is common knowledge that the SAND is in a hopeless state and is unable to fulfil its basic duties as is evident from the state the air force, army and navy find themselves in.

Moreover, the government ran the country’s arms industry into the ground through its shameful destruction of Denel.

The country is also still holding its breath about prosecutions in the arms scandal which took place decades ago. Added to this, is the question of whether any corruption was involved in the supply of arms.

The government has already caused enough harm as is evident in the decay in the country in every conceivable area. The latest crisis could lead to the country once again becoming the skunk of the world and a target for diplomatic, economic and political punitive measures.

For this reason this corrupt and incompetent ANC government should resign. The county just cannot afford this government anymore.

National state of disaster must end; legal action is coming – Solidarity Movement

The Solidarity Movement, including Solidarity and AfriForum, took a stand today by declaring that no further reasons exists for the current state of disaster, which has been in operation for about 22 months, to remain in force. This comes after the state of disaster was extended again by the government.

According to Solidarity Movement Chairperson Flip Buys, it seems that the pandemic is now entering an endemic phase. Furthermore, it appears that increased group immunity against Covid-19 can now be detected with the Omicron variant, resulting in less serious illness and fewer deaths. “The fact that the virus is now endemic means the virus won’t disappear, but we will have to learn to live with the virus. It also means that exceptional measures by the state, such as those that can be instituted under a state of disaster, are no longer necessary in an effort to control the virus,” Buys said.

According to Buys, the Movement is also very concerned about the state of schools in South Africa due to the restrictions that hamper education. “The fact that many schools are still unable to return to a normal way of functioning intensifies the concerns about the future of a whole generation of learners,” Buys said.

Both AfriForum and Solidarity will proceed with legal action in order to ask the courts to end the state of disaster.

According to Kallie Kriel, Chief Executive of AfriForum, the state of disaster poses a threat to freedom, as it gives the government extraordinary power to dramatically restrict civil liberties without subjecting such power to parliamentary oversight and decision-making in any way. “The fact that the state of disaster can be prolonged repeatedly without parliamentary approval is a serious violation of sound democratic principles,” Kriel said.

According to Solidarity CEO Dr Dirk Hermann, the current state of disaster creates major uncertainty for workers, companies and the economy in general, and it must therefore be terminated. “The state of disaster enables government to implement at short notice measures that affect the livelihood of businesses and workers. This sword hanging over the economy creates uncertainty that hampers capital formation and further expansion at a time when economic growth is crucially important,” Hermann said.

According to Jacques Broodryk, AfriForum’s campaign manager, the organisation will submit its court documents soon. “AfriForum has already taken on several of the government’s outrageous measures, including the curfew regulations, state quarantine camps and the ban on religious gatherings. The time has come for the state of disaster to be lifted in its entirety,” Broodryk said.

Hermann concluded by saying declarations that the state of disaster could not be terminated at short notice conveniently forget about the regulations that had been introduced and enforced “with immediate effect” under the state of disaster.

Further details regarding the proposed legal action will be announced soon.

Riots – Solidarity Movement tells members: Remain calm and organise yourselves

At a media conference held today, the Solidarity Movement encouraged its supporters to intensify their level of alertness, to remain calm amid the riots that are plaguing certain parts of the country, and to join their local neighbourhood watch.

According to Flip Buys, chairperson of the Solidarity Movement, faction fighting within the ANC, which initially led to the looting spree, provided a platform for criminal elements to abuse the situation to steal and to loot. Buys called on law enforcement to restore order and to arrest offenders. According to Buys, the public should, however, not leave their safety and that of their families and communities just to the SAPS because there is much that they can do themselves within the framework of the law to intensify their own levels of preparedness. “If you can protect yourself and your family, you can also protect your neighbours. If you can protect your neighbours, you can jointly protect your community,” Buys added. Buys encouraged people to join one of AfriForum’s neighbourhood watches that have been established countrywide or to join other community structures.

Kallie Kriel, AfriForum’s chief executive, said organised communities need not be plunged into fear, but can remain calm in the knowledge that their safety is in their own hands. According to Kriel it is not a strange phenomenon for communities to take responsibility for their own safety as several communities in KwaZulu-Natal have done in recent days. In the past Afrikaners have also assumed responsibility for their own safety whenever necessary. “In recent years, AfriForum has invested a great deal of resources in the establishment of community safety structures and already runs 159 neighbourhood watches, has a network of control rooms, a nationwide radio network, 12 500 neighbourhood watch volunteers, an air wing with 53 drone pilots and well-trained staff and volunteers. Apart from this, AfriForum collaborates with a network of other neighbourhood watches, GPF structures, security companies and, in many places, with local police stations,” Kriel said.

According to AfriForum Head of Safety Colonel Jan Wessels, AfriForum has already, at the onset of the riots, put its existing community safety plans into operation by having AfriForum’s neighbourhood watches on standby. Wessels pointed out that AfriForum’s control rooms and its structures on the ground are monitoring the situation closely, that guidelines have been issued to AfriForum’s neighbourhood watches to further fine-tune their existing safety plans with the current situation in mind. Neighbourhood watches were asked to increase visibility and to assist each other and other role players where necessary. “AfriForum will not involve itself in conflicts on highways and at other prominent places but will focus all its attention on being ready and prepared within the framework of the law to help ensure the safety of neighbourhoods where we operate,” Wessels said.

To join one of AfriForum’s neighbourhood watches, please visit www.afriforumbuurtwag.co.za.

The Solidarity Movement also calls on members of the public to contribute to the Movement’s Crisis Fund in support of Solidarity Helping Hand in KwaZulu-Natal to enable it to make essential provisions available to communities. Please use this link to contribute: www.krisisfonds.co.za.

Vaccines: effective and safe, but everyone must decide for themselves – Solidarity Movement

The Solidarity Research Institute found in a comprehensive scientific report that vaccines are an effective and safe way to end the Covid-19 pandemic. The report also supports people’s freedom to decide for themselves. Strong criticism is also levelled at the government’s central control of the vaccine program and consequently it was also found that the private sector should become involved on a major scale.

According to Solidarity Movement Chairperson Flip Buys, large numbers of the Solidarity Movement’s members and other South Africans will have to make a decision regarding vaccinations within the next few weeks. “We want to enable our members and other South Africans to make decisions in a responsible way. Covid-19 is hitting all of us hard and everyone is longing for an end to the pandemic. With all the opinions, fake news and political agendas doing the rounds, good scientific research is essential. From the findings in the report, we can encourage our members to get the vaccines, but on condition that everyone must make their decision in a responsible way and take their own unique circumstances into account. The data indicate one risk that for most people is much greater than the vaccines, and that is not to get the vaccine.”

According to the report, in which a proper international study was done, it was found that vaccines are indeed effective. In countries such as Israel, the United Kingdom and Hungary, there is a direct link between the administration of vaccines, a decrease in infections and in particular a decrease in hospitalisation and deaths. Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson are effective. It is also on the basis of findings in this report that the Solidarity Movement can neither recommend the Chinese vaccine SinoVac nor the Russian Sputnik V vaccine. The availability of existing data is insufficient, with the result that no conclusion can be drawn at present on the efficacy of these two vaccines

An in-depth investigation was conducted into data on reports of side effects, as stated by Connie Mulder, head of the Solidarity Research Institute. “Proper scientific research has been done and original data have been used so that inferences are watertight. It has been found that the vaccines are indeed safe to a large extent. Like other medications, there are side effects, but for most people the risk posed by Covid-19 is much higher than the risk of getting the vaccine.”

Mulder also said that none of the vaccines can provide total protection against Covid-19. However, they do provide comprehensive protection against serious symptoms and death. It is probably not necessary for children to be vaccinated but parents can seek good medical advice from doctors.

Data show that claims that large numbers of people die due to vaccination are simply not true. The risk for blood clots and cardio-related side effects is small. Most of the side effects reported are mild and similar to those of any other vaccine.
The researchers also found that it is important that individuals who are already experiencing health problems, are currently ill and who have previously experienced side effects from vaccines should first contact their doctor to find out whether it would be safe for them to be vaccinated against Covid-19.

According to AfriForum Chief Executive Kallie Kriel, those who want to make a choice should be able to do so. “The government’s centralisation of vaccines is causing a bottleneck in the vaccination process. The fact that the process is being monopolised is unacceptable. The private sector must on a large scale be involved at all levels of the value chain. Not only is it important that people should be able to choose whether they want to be vaccinated or not, but they should also be able to choose which vaccine they want to receive.”

According to Solidarity Chief Executive Dr Dirk Hermann, Solidarity’s members, like so many other South African citizens, are currently being hard hit by the third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. “Our members are tired of lockdowns and want to get rid of it. Vaccination can definitely play a major role in getting out of the pandemic. Levels of confidence in the government are justifiably so very low. There is a fine line between trust in the government and trust in vaccines. The government abused its power during the lockdown, eroded freedoms and created a breeding ground for scepticism about vaccines.

“What we now have to do is to consider the facts. We encourage all to assess their circumstances, make their decision (in a responsible way) and to exercise their freedom of choice,” Hermann concluded.

Download the report here: http://soli.online/2yq

Solidarity Movement welcomes Constitutional Court ruling against Zuma; calls for consistency

The Solidarity Movement today welcomed the Constitutional Court’s ruling in terms of which Jacob Zuma was found guilty of contempt of court and was sentenced to imprisonment of 15 months.

According to Flip Buys, chairperson of the Solidarity Movement, Jacob Zuma’s conviction is a first step to let justice prevail against a former president who has dragged the country to the brink of the abyss  although cases against him are still pending for decades of offences.

Buys furthermore said that although this ruling should be seen in a positive light, much still needs to be done to restore the confidence of South Africans. “The fact of the matter is that South Africa is still plagued by unprecedented high levels of corruption that have been evident as recently as last year with the shameless looting of funds destined for aid. The real test will depend on whether or not this political elite can also be prosecuted successfully,” Buys said.

Buys further stated that the response to the ruling does indeed reflect South Africans’ collective feelings about the ruling elite that are disregarding the law with impunity. “Hopefully, this could usher in an era in which more accountability is expected from politicians and government officials,” Buys said.

According to Buys, the Movement is however skeptical whether Zuma would hand himself over and if not, whether he would be arrested. “It is widely known that Zuma and his followers still have several supporters within the ruling party. If Zuma does not hand himself over, deliberate action must be taken to effect his arrest,” Buys concluded.

Solidarity Movement commiserates with Zulus on the death of King Zwelithini

The Solidarity Movement today expressed its sincere condolences towards the Zulu royal family and the Zulu community after it was announced that His Majesty King Goodwill Zwelithini passed away this morning.

According to Flip Buys, chairperson of the Solidarity Movement, the Movement and AfriForum in particular maintained good relationships with the royal family in order to achieve mutual recognition and respect between different cultural communities in South Africa.

According to Buys, King Zwelithini played a significant role in the cultural expression and identity of the Zulu community, and continually also showed respect for other cultural communities in a diverse country.

“As a Movement we are saddened to hear of the death of King Zwelithini. The country and the Zulu people in particular are poorer because of his death,” Buys said.

Ramaphosa must relax regulations tonight – Solidarity Movement

The Solidarity Movement said today there is no longer any reason why the current level of the lockdown regulations should not be relaxed to level 1 tonight. This follows after it became known earlier today that President Ramaphosa will address the country again tonight.

According to Solidarity Movement Chairperson Flip Buys, the infection rate in the country has dropped to such an extent that it would be irrational to keep the country on the same lockdown level as it was at the peak of the second wave. “The logic behind a lockdown is to slow down the infection rate to such an extent that hospitals have enough capacity to handle the number of patients that need care. However, that no longer a risk because the number of cases has virtually halved, as was the trend during the first wave,” Buys said.

According to Buys, there is no longer any reason to tie down the economy and destroy sectors such as tourism and the liquor industry, which have already almost been brought to their knees, by extending the level 3 regulations.

Furthermore, Connie Mulder, head of the Solidarity Research Institute, argues that the government’s insistence on lockdown regulations as the only measure to combat the spread of the virus is very short-sighted and does not do much to slow down the spread of the virus. However, it does succeed in accelerating the public’s distrust of the government.

“By introducing lockdown regulations that come into effect immediately without consulting the public and the necessary industries, members of the public are encouraged to revise their confidence in the government’s ability to act responsibly and rationally.”

Buys emphasises that the time has now come to urgently relax the lockdown measures. “Our message is clear – open up the country and stop treating the public like children. The only thing worse than the public managing the crisis by themselves is the government continuously trying to do so,” Buys said.

“The Solidarity Movement believes that the economy, together with working healthily and education provided healthily, can be opened up in a healthy way,” Buys concluded.

ANC’s economic policy remains the main threat to pension money

The Solidarity Movement today said that the ANC’s harmful economic policy is the main threat for pensions. This remains the case whether or not the government has, for the time being, put its resolve to enforce prescribed assets on ice.

The Movement also stated that especially asset managers should still remain particularly alert and act in the best interests of their members.

This comes after Minister Tito Mboweni in his MTBPS speech was the first to state that the government would try to make it easier for pension funds to invest in government projects on a voluntary basis. Subsequently, the Head of Infrastructure and Investment in the Presidency Dr Kgosientso Ramokgopa also alluded to convincing pension funds to invest in government projects.

According to Flip Buys, chairperson of the Solidarity Movement, it is understandable that South Africans are concerned about the future of their pension funds. “It is common knowledge that the government is facing a fiscal crisis due to, among other things, continuing mismanagement and corruption.”

“Pension funds are the proverbial pot of gold that could be invested in local projects to help stimulate the economy. The government has an extremely poor track record when it comes to the delivery of projects. To accept that this trend would change overnight and that such projects would now mean a significant return for pension fund members is mere wishful thinking,” Buys emphasised.

According to Buys, the ANC’s harmful economic policy is still a major millstone around the neck of the economy. “If the ruling party does not part with its harmful ideas, including expropriation without compensation, an excessively high government wage bill and persistent bailouts to obsolete state entities, the economy will keep on reeling,” Buys said.

Solidarity Movement warns Cyril about possible tighter lockdown restrictions 

The Solidarity Movement sent a letter of warning to President Ramaphosa and the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, cautioning them that any tightening of the existing lockdown restrictions would be ineffective and devastating for the economy and the citizens of the country.

It is expected that President Ramaphosa will address the nation early next week, after considering recommendations in a report by the health department.

“In the past, the government enforced measures that were ambiguous, impractical and irrational. We caution President Ramaphosa that we will challenge any further irrational and unreasonable measures in court,” said Flip Buys, chairperson of the Solidarity Movement.

“Fear of a second wave of the pandemic is constantly provoked, and every slight increase in numbers receives prominent attention. The reality is that the average rate of positive tests remains below 10% of those tested, while it was 30% when South Africa reached its peak,”  Buys said.

“Positive cases can easily be manipulated by increasing the number of tests in order to give the impression of a second wave. However, measuring the relationship between testing and positive cases would actually be the true measurement,” Buys said.

The Solidarity Movement strongly believes that drastic lockdown measures would not make a tangible difference in the number of positive cases. However, there will be decisive, tangible economic consequences due to drastic measures.

•    In the second quarter, 2,2 million people lost their jobs, and a significant number of them are the most vulnerable in South Africa.
•    The expected deficit in tax collection will amount to more than R300 billion.
•    The GDP fell by 16,4% in one quarter, which represents a 51% year-on-year decline.

The Solidarity Movement strongly advises the government not to introduce tighter lockdown measures, and the necessary legal steps will be taken should any absurd and unreasonable measures be introduced.

Dutch politicians raise serious questions about situation in South Africa

Three Dutch members of parliament reiterated their concerns about farm attacks and the ANC government’s planned expropriation without compensation in a series of questions put to the Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs, Stef Blok. This comes after the Dutch parliament last year adopted a motion that expresses opposition to expropriation without compensation. In terms of this motion, Minister Blok had to convey the Netherlands’ disapproval of this policy to the South African government.

For the past two years, the Solidarity Movement has been actively calling on governments in Europe to put more pressure on the South African government. According to Jaco Kleynhans, head of international liaison at the Solidarity Movement, the 12 questions to minister Blok were raised by two MPs of the centrist Christian-Democratic Appeal (CDA), Martijn van Helvert and Jaco Geurts, and the leader of the Reformed Political Party (SGP), Kees van der Staaij. Last year’s motion was tabled by the CDA and the SGP, and was also supported by the ruling party of Prime Minister Mark Rutte, the People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD), as well as the Christian Union, 50Plus, Forum for Democracy and the Party for Freedom.

In the questions addressed to Minister Blok the three members of parliament seek clarity on the Dutch government’s liaison with Pres. Ramaphosa on farm murders and expropriation of land. They also appealed to the minister to consider reporting farm attacks to the United Nations’ Human Rights Council.

According to Kleynhans, there is support for good relations between South Africa and the Netherlands among a majority of Dutch politicians. “During my six visits to the Netherlands over the past 18 months and in discussions with politicians from across the entire political spectrum it is clear that Dutch politicians and business people want to further the strong relationship between the two countries, even to expand it. However, there are serious concerns about the decay of government, corruption, safety (including farm attacks) and property rights. Various Dutch companies are doing business in South Africa and are considering further expansion but the planned expropriation without compensation will derail such investment”.

Our message to politicians in the twelve countries in Europe with whom we have recently engaged is that serious pressure must be exerted on the South African government”. The Solidarity Movement is also canvassing support from parties in the European Parliament in the hope that the European Union will take a stand on the situation in South Africa.

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ʼn Fonds wat help om die Afrikanergeskiedenis te bevorder.


Die Federasie van Afrikaanse Kultuurvereniginge (FAK) is reeds in 1929 gestig. Vandag is die FAK steeds dié organisasie wat jou toelaat om kreatief te wees in jou taal en kultuur. Die FAK is ’n toekomsgerigte kultuurorganisasie wat ’n tuiste vir die Afrikaanse taal en kultuur bied en die trotse Afrikanergeskiedenis positief bevorder.

Solidariteit Helpende Hand

Solidariteit Helpende Hand fokus op maatskaplike welstand en dié organisasie se groter visie is om oplossings vir die hantering van Afrikanerarmoede te vind.

Solidariteit Helpende Hand se roeping is om armoede deur middel van gemeenskapsontwikkeling op te los. Solidariteit Helpende Hand glo dat mense ʼn verantwoordelikheid teenoor mekaar en teenoor die gemeenskap het.

Solidariteit Helpende Hand is geskoei op die idees van die Afrikaner-Helpmekaarbeweging van 1949 met ʼn besondere fokus op “help”, “saam” en “ons.”

Forum Sekuriteit

Forum Sekuriteit is in die lewe geroep om toonaangewende, dinamiese en doeltreffende privaat sekuriteitsdienste in

Suid-Afrika te voorsien en op dié wyse veiligheid in gemeenskappe te verhoog.


AfriForumTV is ʼn digitale platform wat aanlyn en gratis is en visuele inhoud aan lede en nielede bied. Intekenaars kan verskeie kanale in die gemak van hul eie huis op hul televisiestel, rekenaar of selfoon verken deur van die AfriForumTV-app gebruik te maak. AfriForumTV is nóg ʼn kommunikasiestrategie om die publiek bewus te maak van AfriForum se nuus en gebeure, maar ook om vermaak deur films en fiksie- en realiteitsreekse te bied. Hierdie inhoud gaan verskaf word deur AfriForumTV self, instellings binne die Solidariteit Beweging en eksterne inhoudverskaffers.

AfriForum Uitgewers

AfriForum Uitgewers (voorheen bekend as Kraal Uitgewers) is die trotse uitgewershuis van die Solidariteit Beweging en is die tuiste van Afrikaanse niefiksie-, Afrikanergeskiedenis- én prima Afrikaanse produkte. Dié uitgewer het onlangs sy fokus verskuif en gaan voortaan slegs interne publikasies van die Solidariteit Beweging publiseer.

AfriForum Jeug

AfriForum Jeug is die amptelike jeugafdeling van AfriForum, die burgerregte-inisiatief wat deel van die Solidariteit Beweging vorm. AfriForum Jeug berus op Christelike beginsels en ons doel is om selfstandigheid onder jong Afrikaners te bevorder en die realiteite in Suid-Afrika te beïnvloed deur veldtogte aan te pak en aktief vir jongmense se burgerregte standpunt in te neem.

De Goede Hoop-koshuis

De Goede Hoop is ʼn moderne, privaat Afrikaanse studentekoshuis met hoë standaarde. Dit is in Pretoria geleë.

De Goede Hoop bied ʼn tuiste vir dinamiese studente met Christelike waardes en ʼn passie vir Afrikaans; ʼn tuiste waar jy as jongmens in gesonde studentetradisies kan deel en jou studentwees met selfvertroue in Afrikaans kan uitleef.


DIE HELPENDE HAND STUDIETRUST (HHST) is ʼn inisiatief van Solidariteit Helpende Hand en is ʼn geregistreerde openbare weldaadsorganisasie wat behoeftige Afrikaanse studente se studie moontlik maak deur middel van rentevrye studielenings.

Die HHST administreer tans meer as 200 onafhanklike studiefondse namens verskeie donateurs en het reeds meer as 6 300 behoeftige studente se studie moontlik gemaak met ʼn totaal van R238 miljoen se studiehulp wat verleen is.


Solidariteit se sentrum vir voortgesette leer is ʼn opleidingsinstelling wat voortgesette professionele ontwikkeling vir professionele persone aanbied. S-leer het ten doel om werkendes met die bereiking van hul loopbaandoelwitte by te staan deur die aanbieding van seminare, kortkursusse, gespreksgeleenthede en e-leer waarin relevante temas aangebied en bespreek word.

Solidariteit Jeug

Solidariteit Jeug berei jongmense voor vir die arbeidsmark, staan op vir hul belange en skakel hulle in by die Netwerk van Werk. Solidariteit Jeug is ʼn instrument om jongmense te help met loopbaankeuses en is ʼn tuiskomplek vir jongmense.

Solidariteit Regsfonds

ʼn Fonds om die onregmatige toepassing van regstellende aksie teen te staan.

Solidariteit Boufonds

ʼn Fonds wat spesifiek ten doel het om Solidariteit se opleidingsinstellings te bou.

Solidariteit Finansiële Dienste (SFD)

SFD is ʼn gemagtigde finansiëledienstemaatskappy wat deel is van die Solidariteit Beweging. Die instelling se visie is om die toekomstige finansiële welstand, finansiële sekerheid en volhoubaarheid van Afrikaanse individue en ondernemings te bevorder. SFD doen dit deur middel van mededingende finansiële dienste en produkte, in Afrikaans en met uitnemende diens vir ʼn groter doel aan te bied.

Ons Sentrum

Die Gemeenskapstrukture-afdeling bestaan tans uit twee mediese ondersteuningsprojekte en drie gemeenskapsentrums, naamlik Ons Plek in die Strand, Derdepoort en Volksrust. Die drie gemeenskapsentrums is gestig om veilige kleuter- en/of naskoolversorging in die onderskeie gemeenskappe beskikbaar te stel. Tans akkommodeer die gemeenskapsentrums altesaam 158 kinders in die onderskeie naskoolsentrums, terwyl Ons Plek in die Strand 9 kleuters en Ons Plek in Volksrust 16 kleuters in die kleuterskool het.

Skoleondersteuningsentrum (SOS)

Die Solidariteit Skoleondersteuningsentrum (SOS) se visie is om die toekoms van Christelike, Afrikaanse onderwys te (help) verseker deur gehalte onderrig wat reeds bestaan in stand te (help) hou, én waar nodig nuut te (help) bou.

Die SOS se doel is om elke skool in ons land waar onderrig in Afrikaans aangebied word, by te staan om in die toekoms steeds onderrig van wêreldgehalte te bly bied en wat tred hou met die nuutste navorsing en internasionale beste praktyke.


Sol-Tech is ʼn geakkrediteerde, privaat beroepsopleidingskollege wat op Christelike waardes gefundeer is en Afrikaans as onderrigmedium gebruik.

Sol-Tech fokus op beroepsopleiding wat tot die verwerwing van nasionaal erkende, bruikbare kwalifikasies lei. Sol-Tech het dus ten doel om jongmense se toekomsdrome met betrekking tot loopbaanontwikkeling deur doelspesifieke opleiding te verwesenlik.


Akademia is ’n Christelike hoëronderwysinstelling wat op ’n oop, onbevange en kritiese wyse ’n leidinggewende rol binne die hedendaagse universiteitswese speel.

Akademia streef daarna om ʼn akademiese tuiste te bied waar sowel die denke as die hart gevorm word met die oog op ʼn betekenisvolle en vrye toekoms.

AfriForum Publishers

AfriForum Uitgewers (previously known as Kraal Uitgewers) is the proud publishing house of the Solidarity Movement and is the home of Afrikaans non-fiction, products related to the Afrikaner’s history, as well as other prime Afrikaans products. The publisher recently shifted its focus and will only publish internal publications of the Solidarity Movement from now on.

Maroela Media

Maroela Media is ʼn Afrikaanse internetkuierplek waar jy alles kan lees oor dit wat in jou wêreld saak maak – of jy nou in Suid-Afrika bly of iewers anders woon en deel van die Afrikaanse Maroela-gemeenskap wil wees. Maroela Media se Christelike karakter vorm die kern van sy redaksionele beleid.

Kanton Beleggingsmaatskappy

Kanton is ʼn beleggingsmaatskappy vir eiendom wat deur die Solidariteit Beweging gestig is. Die eiendomme van die Solidariteit Beweging dien as basis van die portefeulje wat verder deur ontwikkeling uitgebrei sal word.

Kanton is ʼn vennootskap tussen kultuur en kapitaal en fokus daarop om volhoubare eiendomsoplossings aan instellings in die Afrikaanse gemeenskap teen ʼn goeie opbrengs te voorsien sodat hulle hul doelwitte kan bereik.


Wolkskool is ʼn produk van die Skoleondersteuningsentrum (SOS), ʼn niewinsgewende organisasie met ʼn span onderwyskundiges wat ten doel het om gehalte- Afrikaanse onderrig te help verseker. Wolkskool bied ʼn platform waar leerders 24-uur toegang tot video-lesse, vraestelle, werkkaarte met memorandums en aanlyn assessering kan kry.


Ajani is ‘n privaat geregistreerde maatskappy wat dienste aan ambagstudente ten opsigte van plasing by werkgewers bied.

Ajani is a registered private company that offers placement opportunities to artisan students in particular.

Begrond Instituut

Die Begrond Instituut is ʼn Christelike navorsingsinstituut wat die Afrikaanse taal en kultuur gemeenskap bystaan om Bybelse antwoorde op belangrike lewensvrae te kry.


ʼn Onafhanklike sake-organisasie

Pretoria FM en Klankkoerant

ʼn Gemeenskapsgebaseerde radiostasie en nuusdiens


ʼn Familieboer-landbounetwerk wat hom daarvoor beywer om na die belange van familieboere om te sien deur hul regte te beskerm en te bevorder.

Ons Winkel

Ons Winkels is Solidariteit Helpende Hand se skenkingswinkels. Daar is bykans 120 winkels landwyd waar lede van die publiek skenkings van tweedehandse goedere – meubels, kombuisware, linne en klere – kan maak. Die winkels ontvang die skenkings en verkoop goeie kwaliteit items teen bekostigbare pryse aan die publiek.


AfriForum is ʼn burgerregte-organisasie wat Afrikaners, Afrikaanssprekende mense en ander minderheidsgroepe in Suid-Afrika mobiliseer en hul regte beskerm.

AfriForum is ʼn nieregeringsorganisasie wat as ʼn niewinsgewende onderneming geregistreer is met die doel om minderhede se regte te beskerm. Terwyl die organisasie volgens die internasionaal erkende beginsel van minderheidsbeskerming funksioneer, fokus AfriForum spesifiek op die regte van Afrikaners as ʼn gemeenskap wat aan die suidpunt van die vasteland woon. Lidmaatskap is nie eksklusief nie en enige persoon wat hom of haar met die inhoud van die organisasies se Burgerregte-manifes vereenselwig, kan by AfriForum aansluit.